Before reading the following, please read my
info on the
EYE, also called the "Aeriopax."
The Isis Eye is the Star Gate (or more accurately,
the Star Gate dynamic) into the
Attasic or
complete universe. This is the Eye of reconciliation with the
Eye of Ra.
Once the Isis Eye is wedded with the Eye of Ra, the latter is
returned to Source.
In order to enter upon the topic
of psionics
and radionics it is important to understand that all energy is
transmittable from one point to another instantaneously through
focusing upon that energy (or system which operates the energy) with
intention and purpose.
"computer" is calibrated to send and receive universal
Mathematics at galactic and inter-galactic levels, utilizing
frequencies that are above the earth's current ability to intercept.
As the earth moves ever-forward
into the New
Earth Hologram so the Pymander responds to the consciousness
that is in alignment with it's sensory filaments (somewhat like
sensing computer chips). What is "in alignment" with the Pymander?
That which moves within the vibrational streaming of spiritual
awareness of the HEART-CENTERED BEING.
I, Thoth and my Merkabah of
Chariot of
the Sun, as well as the
Merkabah of the
Host and several other major soul assemblages with whom my being
integrates, such as the
Kadmonis, the
Gileihad and the
Craft of the Brazen Serpent, are establishing in concert a "program" within the Pymander which we shall call the Seraphi. The Seraphi
has recently (November, 2007) been created to assist through specific
Light-engendered numeric codes, the directing of the universal /
galactic Light Mathematics received by the Pymander into frequencies
which can be identified and received by the current-earth "human
being." These Seraphi codes translate into
Phi geometry formats
which are specific to the Pymander's procedural operation employing extremely high-frequency light-waves. The angelic beings who
emanate this level of encoding are the
The Isis Eye is the translator
vehicle for these Seraphi codes as a direct transmission between Old
(current) and New (Numis'OM) Earth formats.
The Seraphi program will issue
numerics which can be used to draw upon and stimulate DNA encodings
of similar value within human beings and within the planetary
crystalline grid, which contains its' own version of DNA crystals.
These energies flowing through the Seraphi codes come from the
universal geometries of Light Mathematics on a galactic and
inter-galactic level, currently not accessible to earth in this
current world reality.
The numerics of which we discuss
here are placed into "profiles" - sequences that reflect specific
quantum or bursts of energy through some outer stimulus in continual
pulses. More simply stated, these numeric profiles must be utilized
with a component that activates and maintains their stimulus and
pulsing energetic devise, such as a radionics
machine. The arrangement of especially powerful Phi Crystals which
have been charged and activated by a radionics machine can work in
this capacity, but not as well as the actual machine itself. Other
crystals not charged / activated by a radionics devise, but charged
through other means, such as a psionic template will work to some
extent (certainly worth doing). However, using the Seraphi profiles
with a true radionics devise amplifies the effectiveness of the
profile 500 to 1,000 times (depending on the radionics devise and
other contributing factors).
Combining working with the Seraphi
profiles with both a radionics devise and crystals is an especially
powerful "sending."
Simeon Nartoomid created a
software radionics program for the computer which is in specific
attunement and accord with the Pymander Seraphi program. The first
in the series is the THOTH MASTER GUARDIAN (edition v1.0). This
radionics cyber-program is ideal for sending and receiving the
Pymander Seraphi codes.
The Pymander is essentially a pure
consciousness plasma computer created and maintained by Master
Beings to assist the Earth and her humanity through the Ascension
process. The Pymander cannot be used for ill-intent. Should someone
consciously intend to do so it simply does not respond and allows
the energy to cycle through the matrix under the control of the Laws
of Karma. If someone unconsciously incorporates something that is
ill-intended, then the Pymander responds by transmuting it and
sending them back an expanded awareness potential - a Grace Factor
if you will.
The computers (and their users) on the surface
Earth which have this program installed link not only to the
Pymander Inner Earth Elohim Computer, but the Pymander also
facilitates the individual computers and beings using them to
interlink with each other through an etheric "network". Out of this
etheric network are generated Domes of Light as this interlinking
occurs. It is an exponential equation, with the effectiveness of the
network in shifting planetary energies being roughly equal to the
power generated by a single installed program taken to the power of
the number of computers with the program installed.
In other words, if you had three computers on
the planet with a Master Guardian Series program installed the power
generated is the power for one computer taken to the third power =
power3. If you have a thousand computers
with one of these programs installed then it is: power1000
. To give you non-math oriented folks an idea of what this means: if
the power of one computer with the program installed was equal to
10, then the power of three computers with it installed would be
1,000, and the power of a thousand computers with the program
installed would be represented by a number "1" followed by 1,000
zeros! We therefore want to have as many computers as possible on
the planet with these programs installed on them.
more info on and to order the
SpiritWare™ ~ software for the soul master guardian program ~ thoth
raismes edition v1.0
Thoth has informed me that it is his intention to release certain
"planetary profiles" generated with the Pyrmander's Seraphi program.
These profiles can run along-side one's own personal intentions
within any radionics devise, including the
Thoth Master Guardian program. The planetary profiles will
greatly aid the creation of the New Earth Hologram for planetary and
personal Ascension. He will also give information as to how to
employ crystals in this process as well. The Seraphi planetary
programs will change - different numeric sequences will be released
on an on-going basis.
After having been given the basic
information by Thoth on the Pymander's Seraphi program I happened
across in the
Keys of Enoch (J.J. Hurtak) a term which he calls the
"Seraph-Computer" defining it as consisting of "part-mind" and
"part-machine." Certainly a dramatic corollary to the Pymander and
the Seraphi program!
Thoth's guidance I have introduced (as of December 6th, 2007)
Personal Profile
and the
Manifestation Key
I also now have in progress the

To stay informed on this topic
join our
mailing list and become a member of the
Isis Eye Ascension Program group on Spirit Mythos
Ascension Hologram Network.
More on the Pymander's Seraphi
Program and an interpretation of Maia's art on this page (Thoth &
Isis Eye Dynamic) will be addressed in the next Volume (1 - 2008) of
Numis'OM - Eye of Metatron.
[ Up ] [ The Enochian Emerald Table ] [ Roil Point of the Earth ] [ The Phi Gate ] [ O'pah Seals on Venus Transit, 2004 ] [ Prima Matra ] [ Electrikum ] [ Ra*Star 2000 ] [ 22 Safik Radial Points ] [ Dragon Pearls ] [ The Pymander ] [ Pymander's Seraphi Program ] [ Seraphi Codes index ] [ Seraphi Manifestation Key ] [ The Star Capstone ] [ The Quantum Cube ] [ The Amatrix Transmissions ] [ Dione Healing Process ] [ Andara Crystal-Glass ] [ The Blue Stone ]