from the Amatrix Transmissions series
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Ark of the New Covenant

This "new ark" is my depiction of a future consciousness already developing on this earth. It's roots lie in the "Ark" of the Bible, which was one of many "arks" that claimed a special note in history.  Arks in general were receptors of guidance from Otherworld beings who directed the YAHWEH Light Program for this planet in the past, when mankind reached a stage where it could no longer freely communicate with these beings through natural resources.

However, the arks were not simply "radio" devises.  They contained a vibration that was of a "Holy" nature, in that it elicited those in tune with it to come to a greater heart coherence, opening them to the Holy Spirit / Shekinah or Divine Feminine within. Inside the arks was a devise that duplicated the 3-pole quality of the human female heart.

The New Ark is to me, a symbol of our deeper resolve to come into attunement with the "Holy Spirit" within us, through means of our won heart-centered consciousness.


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