The Phi Gate Activation

I have received that the activation of the newly formed Phi Gate will take place in the window of February 27th through March 18th of 2005. The final catalyst for this activation will come from an inter-dimensional nova of the star Spica in the constellation of Virgo. When I first became aware that a star named "Spica" was to be the catalyst, I did not know anything about this star, nor did I know that it was in the constellation of Virgo. In researching it, I find that Spica is actually two stars very close together, creating "one of the hottest first magnitude stars". They are "blue class" stars, appearing blue-white. Just prior to receiving the "Spica" info, I had a dream-vision in which I saw a brilliantly blazing blue star.

The cause of this inter-dimensional nova of Spica will be coming from a collapse into another dimension of a third 'dark' anti-matter star (a small point no larger than a pea) between the two hydrogen fusing dwarfs (the two Spica stars). It will be the brightest of the two dwarfs which will nova. When I use the word 'nova' I am not referring to it's physical matter, but the sending of an internal burst of hyper-energy. This burst will be received by many other stars that fall into the same hyper-energy frequency range as does Spica. Our sun is one of these stars. Our sun in turn, will pass this 'radiance' on into the core of it's planets.

When the central sun of earth receives the Spica charge, it will cause the earth's sun atoma to respond by re-coding the Ra*Star dynamic. The Ra*Star charge moves up the 'hagia' tube, through the roil point of the earth (at Mauna Loa on the Big Island). This new code will then find it way up the FireGem matrix to the Phi Gate, then entrance into the earth being located on Mount Wai'ale'ale of Kaua'i.

At this point, the Phi Gate will activate. It will enter a first stage in it's work for the planet. This first stage will be to infuse New Earth Hologram light codes into the last formational patterns of the Maiden Grid. However, the Phi Gate / Phi Field dynamic is a vast and multi-dimensional system. It operates in several universes simultaneously, and has for a long time. It's activation as a specific portal on earth is what is now being activated.

Certain crystal formations in the earth will be programmed with the energy release from Spica. That is, some crystals on the planet will harbor more of the charge than other elements, and the level of this charge will cause them to connect to the new cosmic alignments of the Phi Gate and the Maiden Grid in a more specific manner. This will include certain crystals already mined and crystalline structures within the brains of the higher evolved mammals. The brains which will absorb the greatest charge will be the cetaceans, especially the dolphins. Humans will receive the next level of charge. The reason cetaceans will receive more than the human species, is that they contain holographic brains, and therefore their brains have more crystalline matter.

The receipt of the Spica charge will have a uniting effect between the cetaceans and humans, as it will stimulate the cortex of their brains in a similar manner. However, humans have far more genetic diversity than do the cetaceans, and thus the amount and vibrational frequency of the crystalline matter in their brains differs a great deal within the species. Until the human species develops more uniformly in vibrational energy, there will be an inconsistency in the vibrational ascension of that species. The cetaceans, and most specifically the dolphins, will come to aid humanity in transmitting the 'new' vibrational levels through the human field, acting as a resonating element to attract a more uniform frequency within the human species.

reference links on Spica: Startistics / Spica

Phi on other websites: What is Phi? / Phi in Cosmology

For a SIMPLE understanding of the Hawaiian Island matrix click here.

Spica-Phi Gate meditation symbol