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Ship of Stars

Upon the depths a Ship of Stars is set to its course. The sea is calmed in the midst of the storm wherever the mast of the Ship is seen.

The Soul is borne on the Ship of Stars as a perfect petal of the starry rose. The sky is flamed with ebbing fires as the night enfolds it's passion to sleep again 'neath silver sails and dream the dream of Life.

Beyond the reef of sorrow and of the searching waves, the mast of the Ship brightens, guiding it's precious cargo into a dawning day.

In the center of the sea an island swirls as a jewel set upon a band of gold. It is on this shimmering isle that the Ship of Stars is gently harbored. The Soul arises from Her seat of beauty and is adorned in a wedding gown of firey diamonds, a gossmar veil before her face.

Here the Soul, her bounty shining, winged and lovely to behold, slips her hand tenderly into the hand of Life again, her lips pressed upon the mouth that whispers the quickening words.

Yet Life is more than endless living. No chalice may contain it, nor can a vein be bled to reconcile it's strength. Life is purpose. It's reason for existence is joy in creation. Humanity may destroy castles in the sand, but Life restores them as granite in the soul.


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