akashic definition of: Tetranome

A high-Metatronic (full Light) creational field generator.  The active modality of the tetranome begins with a Star of David and expands from the center outward at two opposite axis to create a sigel or spinning energy field Such a field produces a flashing rhombis at its center that exchanges "information" between universes. In a further stage of the expansion, the tetranome becomes a tetratryon. Tetratryons are hyperspace tetrahedrons with open ends connecting to one another to form dimensional transference zones. It is through the tetratryons that energy travels between different dimensions. The tetranome exchanges information and therefore "building blocks" of Light mathematics. The tetratryon accelerates the whole dynamic to allow manifestational energy to travel from one dimension to another. However, one cannot really separate a tetranome from a tetratryon, as the former is simply a foundational stage of the latter, and the latter CAN BE ACTIVATED through the geometry of the former. The ascension of this earth into the New Earth Star will be created through tetratryonic activity.

The Tetratryon is the sought-after "God Particle":

This is a lay term for the Higgs boson, which “is a hypothetical particle with zero spin. It is neutral and may be responsible for giving other particles mass. This elementary particle was named after the physicist Peter Higgs who proposed the theory in 1964. The standard model in particle physics depends on the existence of the Higgs boson. According to the standard model, none of the subatomic particles have mass, so they must obtain it from interacting with the Higgs field.”