Maia's comments on the book "Children of the Rainbow" by Leinani Melville, published in 1969

I recently devoured this marvelous book from cover to cover. In it, Mr. Melville opens the door to the translations of the ancient chants from the ancient Hawaiian perspective, which understandably differs from the missionary Christian view-point of previous semi-translations, which the missionaries considered to be heathen superstitions. Nor could the missionaries really understand the Hawaiian language all that well. They were given "crash courses" in order to be able to basically communicate one thing to the people of Hawai'i, and that was their Christian beliefs.

To begin with, Melville shares with the reader what some other Hawaiian authors have pointed out: the missionaries changed the pronunciation of certain words through their own faulty understanding of it when they created a written language for the indigenous people of Hawai'i. The missionary teachers substituted the "r" sound with "l", the "t" sound with "k" and the "v" sound with "w". Consequently, "Honoruru" became "Honolulu", "tahuna" became "kahuna" and "Havai'i" became "Hawai'i." "Haleakala", which means "House of the Sun" is actually "Hare A Ta Ra". "Ra" and not "La" was the true pronunciation of "sun" for the ancient Hawaiians, as it is was for the ancient Egyptians.

To me, the most expanded information Melville offers in "Children of the Rainbow" are the translations of the ancient Hawaiian chant which is their Story of Creation--The Tumuripo. Through this story and other attendant ones, we learn that the original Motherland, of which these Islands are remnants, was known by several names: "Havai'i-ti-Havai'i". "Havai'i" meaning "the streaming terrain over which moisture rained". Also "Land of Rua" which means "growth and development from fire"; and "Tahiti Na" meaning "the tranquil land of dawn". The progenitors of the human races began there and thus the Hawaiian people are the first descendants of these progenitors, known as the "Mu". According to the Hawaiian Story of Creation, the Land of the Mu came to a violent and explosive end with huge volcanic eruptions, which broke apart most of the continent and sent the pieces to the bottom of the sea. The few mountain tops which remained form the Hawaiian islands as well as most of the other islands in the South Pacific, including Easter Island and possibly New Zealand (this based on the shared creation stories of these islands) Certainly this picture fits with my akashic vision of the destruction of Lemuria/Mu, as well as that of other visionaries and researchers, such as James Churchward.

Melville writes about the irony of the Hawaiians being asked by the missionaries where they were from, responding "from Tahiti-Na." Of course the missionaries immediately assumed that they mean the island of Tahiti, when they were actually speaking of the "Tranquil Land of Dawn"--the continent of the Mu. The author explores the migrations from the remnants of the Motherland to other parts of the world, and how certain segments of these peoples later journeyed to Hawai'i in hopes of returned to the original continent of their ancestors.

The Story of Creation tells about the "Forty Planetary Lords" who came to earth in the Motherland. These Lords were described as having "yellow hair, the color of gold-red". The Venusians who enter this planetary sphere tend to have this coloring of hair (according to my akashic insights of the past). From my insights, the Lord Melchizedek came to Mu via Venus. Later other "Lords" of the same Melchizedek linage followed him. All coming from Venus (with Orion genetics as well), they were all fair with red-gold hair. Could these be the "Forty Planetary Lords" mentioned in the Creation chant?

"Ra'i Ra'i is the name given in the Tumuripo Story of Creation for the divine progenitress of the Hawaiian people (the People of Havai'i). According to Melville, "Ra'i Ra'i was chosen, by royal command of the Goddess of the Sun, Lady Ra, to perform a mission of transfiguration. She was sent to deliver into being upon this earth the human beings who were soon to blossom as branches of the Tree of Life in Po." (the Celestial Realm of the Gods) The place which Ra'i Ra'i established for this creation was the "Garden of Sunshine" in the Land of Rua (Mu). There to help her in the Garden where the Menehunes, whom Melville equates to "Brownies". He states that the little people who populated Hawai'i in the early period of the islands were "Manahunes" and were simply a human dwarf race, not related to the Menehunes. My akashic insights see it somewhat differently. The Manahune race were a product of human and nature devic congress, while the Menehunes where the pure nature devas.

In addition to the Menehunes, the other nature beings in the Garden of Sunshine are the following. I am giving Melville's comparisons to western names for them as well as their Hawaiian counterparts. These western comparisons may or may not be entirely accurate in my estimation. The descriptions come from Melville's translations of The Tumruipo chant.

a) eepas (elves) b) tup'ua (fairies -- tiny winged creature, feminine in shape who lived above the ground in the blossoming branches) c) mo'o (water nymphs--shaped like mermaids)

Beyond the "Garden of Sunshine" dwelt the monsters whose descriptions in the Tumruipo obviously describe various known species of dinosaurs, as well as some unknown. From my akashic insights I see the "Garden" as being in a removed vibration from the primal world, until a later age when the two merged. (see Thoth on the Evolution of Earth Within Multiple Realities)

The Tumruipo also describes the races of humanity in order of their appearance in Havai'i-ti-Havai'i: first child: fair, red-gold hair; second child: copper-colored skin; third child: brown skin; fourth child: fair, red-gold hair

I see the E'mu as being of the "fourth child", the Manahune coming from the "third child" and the Menehune.

One of the most exciting sections of "Children of the Rainbow" Leinani Melville saves for last: "Picture Writing of the Tahunas". Here he has simple black and white drawings of the ancient symbols of creation which were handed down through the ali'i Hawaiian linage from the original Mu. While these symbols are simple, they are most certainly powerful. Readers of the James Churchward "Mu" books will find them familiar, as he drew upon these symbols among others, to reveal the picture language of Mu.

Melville also writes about the Holy Cross of Light: "a red cross of light the shade of flame" - this is the cross of the God Tane (Kane) who was actually known as the son of the Father-God. The Holy Cross of Light was a fixture of Hawaiian belief long before the Christian missionaries came to their islands.

The Tumruipo also describes the races of humanity in order of their appearance in Havai'i-ti-Havai'i: first child: fair, red-gold hair; second child: copper-colored skin; third child: brown skin; fourth child: fair, red-gold hair

I see the E'mu as being of the "fourth child", the Manahune coming from the "third child" and the Menehune.

One of the most exciting sections of "Children of the Rainbow" Leinani Melville saves for last: "Picture Writing of the Tahunas". Here he has simple black and white drawings of the ancient symbols of creation which were handed down through the ali'i Hawaiian linage from the original Mu. While these symbols are simple, they are most certainly powerful. Readers of the James Churchward "Mu" books will find them familiar, as he drew upon these symbols among others, to reveal the picture language of Mu.

Melville also writes about the Holy Cross of Light: "a red cross of light the shade of flame" - this is the cross of the God Tane (Kane) who was actually known as the son of the Father-God. The Holy Cross of Light was a fixture of Hawaiian belief long before the Christian missionaries came to their islands.

So how do you get a copy of this book? One way is to order it from

Aloha Oe, Maia


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